Boston Ivy

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Plant Information
Common Name Boston Ivy
Botanical Name Parthenocissus tricuspidata
Plant Type Vine
Mature Height 40 to 50 ft
Mature Width 8 to 10 ft
Growth Habit Climbing
Bloom Color Green-white
Bloom Interest Insignificant
Bloom Period June to August
Seasonal Interest Fall
Foliage Color Green
Foliage Type Trifoliate
Fall Color Red
Attributes Black Walnut Tolerant, Clay Soil, Deer Tolerant, Drought Tolerant, Dry Shade, Dry Soil
Attracts Butterflies No
Attracts Birds No
Sun Exposure Full Sun, Partial Sun, Shade
USDA Hardiness Zone 4 to 8
Zoned for KC Region Yes
Water Preference Dry,Moist,Well-drained
Maintenance Level Moderate
Cost Low
Watering Notes Provide slow deep watering when dry during weather extremes.
Fertilize Notes Fertilize with an azalea food every spring and water in.
Prune Notes Pinch or cut trailers as they develop, to maintain size. Pulling unwanted branches off walls can damage surfaces. A more safe way is to sever the unwanted vines, then paint each severed branch with an herbicide or white vinegar. Once the ivy has browne