Unique Panicle Hydrangea Tree

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Plant Information
Common Name Unique Panicle Hydrangea Tree
Botanical Name Hydrangea paniculata'Unique'
Plant Type Ornamental
Mature Height 10 to 12 ft
Mature Width 8 to 10 ft
Growth Habit Rounded
Bloom Color White
Bloom Interest Showy
Bloom Period July to September
Seasonal Interest Summer, Fall, Winter
Foliage Color Medium Green
Foliage Type Simple
Fall Color Insignificant
Attributes Grafted onto Standard
Attracts Butterflies No
Attracts Birds No
Sun Exposure Full Sun, Partial Shade
USDA Hardiness Zone 4 to 8
Zoned for KC Region Yes
Water Preference Moist,Well-drained
Maintenance Level Moderate
Cost Moderate
Watering Notes Supplemental water is necessary if rainfall is less than 1" per week for the first several years. During drought, slow soak to prevent wilt.
Fertilize Notes Fertilize late spring or early summer. Options: composted manure, a slow-release or a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer. Do not feed after August.
Prune Notes Prune late winter before new growth. Hard pruning produces flowers that are too heavy for the branches so prune yearly rather than harsh pruning when overgrown.