White Lights Exbury Azalea

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Plant Information
Common Name White Lights Exbury Azalea
Botanical Name Azalea x 'White Lights'
Plant Type Shrub
Mature Height 4 to 5 ft
Mature Width 4 to 5 ft
Growth Habit Rounded
Bloom Color White
Bloom Interest Showy
Bloom Period April
Seasonal Interest Spring
Foliage Color Green
Foliage Type Simple
Fall Color Yellow
Attributes Rabbit Resistant
Attracts Butterflies Yes
Attracts Birds No
Notes Azaleas are shallow rooted and should be planted in a bermed bed to prevent waterlogging of the roots.
Sun Exposure Partial Sun, Shade
USDA Hardiness Zone 3 to 8
Zoned for KC Region Yes
Water Preference Moist,Well-drained
Maintenance Level Moderate
Cost Moderate
Watering Notes Waterlogging the roots can kill even for a short time. Be sure the soil drains well. Established plant need at least 1" of rain per week. Water slow and deep when dry. Reduce water to harden off about a month before the expected first frost. After a f
Fertilize Notes Fertilize just after blooms fade. Mulch plants and use a commercial azalea/rhododendron food. Use the lowest dose on the label. Slow-release acid-forming fertilizers are another alternative.
Prune Notes To maintain height, prune just after bloom or early summer. Late pruning will prevent flowering the following year.